Name Transition…Blog Transition

August 29, 2009 at 12:33 | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

This blog is on the move…for no other reason than the want of a better name.  I’ve been convince by friends that Nigeosyncline is a difficult name to pronounce talk less of remember. Locating the hyphen after the ‘g’ instead of the ‘i’ complicates matters the more.

Why did I choose such a name in the first place?

A geosyncline is an obsolete term for linear trough of subsidence of the Earth’s crust within which vast amounts of sediment accumulate. This blog was supposed to be an accumulation of different issues -geological and non-geological- from a Nigerian’s perspective (hence the ‘Nig’). The name hasn’t changed and therefore I have to change it.  I guess there really has to be something in a name!

Enter The Failed Rift

Failed rifts are extensional basins where continental rifting began, but then failed to continue to the point of break-up. Eastern Nigeria is dominated by the Northeast trending Benue trough which is classified as a failed rift. My home town, the university of my undergraduate years and just beginning post graduate years, plus the setting for the coming triumphs and challenges of life in the academia all sit on this rift.

So the blog has moved and I belive it’s a better name. Some of the articles will be transferred as time goes by but I stil apologize to those who may have subscribed to feeds or linked this blog on their sites. Again it’s

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